What is a website blog?
A website blog or business blog is a place on your website where you can write regular articles to help promote your business. You might share news or promote sales and offers. You could also provide industry commentary, share anecdotes, and provide help and advice to potential customers.
How to market your business by writing a website blog
The whole point of writing a business blog is to end up with more website visitors, hopefully leading to more customers. Writing a blog helps in several ways.
- Writing blog updates regularly makes Google like your website. This helps your Google search ranking.
- The better your blog, and the more often you update it, the more people will link to your website. This results in more website visitors.
- Potential customers will appreciate a blog with genuinely useful or interesting content.
How to create a website blog
A Proton Creative we can set up your business blog for you and provide training on how to use it effectively. You can write unlimited blog updates for free.
However, writing a blog involves a regular commitment and is time consuming. Getting a high quality result also requires a moderate level of technical skill. If you’re not sure this is for you, we can write your website blog for you.
You can either set a topic or write a draft, then we’ll get to work writing a professional looking blog update. Your blog will use SEO to attract more visitors. We’ll also coordinate your blog updates with Facebook, Twitter or other social networking services. That way, your blog updates will have the maximum impact. And of course, you’ll always get the final word on what your blog says.
Website blog prices
Our blog setup fee is $95.